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As an educational company, we take youth privacy and protection very seriously. Therefore, we request that only adults enter their contact information on this website. If you are a student, please have a parent, teacher, or coach enter their email address.
As an educational company, we take youth privacy and protection very seriously. Therefore, we request that only adults enter their contact information on this website. If you are a student, please have a parent, teacher, or coach enter their email address.
While this robot is competitive, it is not simple and requires many special parts and pieces. If this looks cool, but you think you might want to start with something simpler, check out "Clamp". This robot is much simpler and easier to build.
While this robot is a great chance to learn, it is not a very competitive design. If you are looking for a robot that actually works and scores points, Shotgun is a fantastic choice - it is small, light, fast, and scores over 170 points in 1 minute!
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